The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

Wayne Dyer (b 1940)

Support & Donate

As of June 9, 2016  we are no longer accepting Paypal 
We will update this page and change the payment methods. 
if you have any question, drop us an email at kismac.x at gmail dot com
Thank you for you patience. 

Spare few bucks, save a bunch of hours ....

Comment left By  SSI,  Feb 16, 2012
 "...  I'm getting about a 40% success rate with the V701 wordlist. Mighty fine!"

You Do NOT need a ****** account to Make a Donation  

Donations Packages  
When you donate via those ****** buttons, you'll receive a very very good REFINED Dictionary attack for KisMAC, Aircrack, Pyrit or Crowbar,  and you'll also do some good by supporting the promotion of free knowledge.  Please be aware that donations packages that includes the Attack Dictionary are fix priced* or more if you feel like it, but not less**.
Thank you!

Very Large WPA / Cracking Dictionary Ver.7.99
Last update: Linkedin, eHarmony, Formspring, MilitarySingles

Last update: Sony BMG hacked passwords added.
Last update: Lulz Security Hack #1, #2 & #3 adding ~350,000  unique to the list... (June '11)
Last update: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transport hack (Anonymous) 

~26,170,000 most used passwords (Yes! over 26 millions) 
Composed only of real passwords, duplicates removed, statistically sorted.
From the Most Used Passwords of All Times compilation
~40.5 million real passwords resulting in about ~24 million passwords Dictionary.
This list is usable by KisMAC, Aircrack-ng, John The Ripper & all programs using lists, dictionary & wordlists
Last count: 26,170,100 Unique Passwords

What's the procedure? 
- You'll receive a nice email shortly after we have received confirmation from *******.
As this is not an automated service, we kindly ask you to be a little patient.  If we are late, we will apologize and probably send you a bonus for free.
- Please ensure that the email address used with ****** is valid: The email containing the link is sent to the address provided by *******
Also, for the sake of clarity, Gold & Crackium packages are provided without support for Aircrack & Al.  Please refer to the Platinum Package for direct support.  Thank you.

Gold Plus
The Gold Plus package contains the above Gold package plus:

- Another 1.24 GB mingled dictionary. (~  passwords)
As people are getting a bit smarter nowadays, they start replacing letters by numbers or signs.  i.e.   chocolate --> ch0c0l@te --> ch0c0l@t3  (We took care of that...) 
- A lowerUPPER dictionary  (~ 228,244,100 passwords)
- A Stochastic Probabilities Statistical dictionary:  Most probable output based on patterns, words, character usage and position. (88,727,600 Passwords)
- Monster Dictionary: 155,525,600 real passwords
The Gold Plus Package is a set of 5 dictionaries, totaling almost 400 million passwords  (398,995,100 passwords)

Gigantic Set of Wordlists : Over 1,074,962,050 Passwords and counting!  (Yes, that's over a billion)
Crackium is a set of Wordlists, Dictionaries plus a how-to PDF that explains how to easily generate and modify Wordlists.   
Total Wordlists size: 9.02 GB (Gigabytes)
Crackium includes 2 versions of the Monster dictionary, plus the MasterPasswords Attack Dictionary. That makes about 400 millions passwords right there ....
The "How-To" explains how you can prefix, suffix, replace, add, concatenate, split, sort by occurrences, change case, exchange characters and truncate words or remove words less than x characters.
Crackium contains multiple Wordlists ready to be either used “As Is” or played with to fit your needs: Multiple Wordlists are more efficient than a gigantic one.
You’ll find a detailed Content List at the end of this post. 


Cracking School, One To One Session
Includes:  1-hour One To One tutorial session, via iChat Screen Sharing, including upon your choice:
KisMAC basic and advanced features, Attacks, WEP & WPA Key Recovery.
Aircrack-ng Tutorial, WEP and WPA  cracking:
JtR Install, configurations, teaching, Rules, Charset,  etc
Hashcat Install, config, etc  
Or in short, anything you wish to review, get help with, getting started, advanced users, etc.
You'll receive a nice email shortly after we have received confirmation from *****
Please, ensure that the email address used with ***** is correct
Is it worth it?
"I have to give you huge credit for helping me out.  I'd say the education I just received in the last 3 days with your guidance is well worth the $25 donation"
Sean M.

Wordlist on demand
Lost your password?

If you have lost your password, and you remember some of it, or if you remember what was NOT used, we can create tailor made wordlist(s) for you to try to retrieve your lost password.

Or If you need a specific wordlist, just made for your needs, leave a comment with your email address (It will NOT be published) and we'll contact you.
The fee is based on the complexity and size.  If you need more than 10GB compressed, it will be a multiple download.

You remember using "password" plus a color, but do not remember the color or the order, or if you have used an uppercase (Proper) word, lower or UPPER
We can then generate every possible combination for you.

Crackium?  What's in there?  

- about 1 billion passwords, and the ways to turn that into 400 billions if you want to.

  • A "How-To" to create, expand , modify and tweak your Wordlists/Dictionaries
  • New Monster Dictionary, a statistical compilation of 50+ passwords heist:  208 Million passwords. Works for WPA, KisMAC, Aircrack, John The Ripper, Crowbar and oclHashCat.
  • MasterPasswords  Version 7.99  ~26 millions real passwords, plus variations of the most used. 
  • All numbers 8ch long  100,000,000 Pwsd. 
  • Ilove.txt    over 1 million most used first name with 22 permutations of  “I love you”  i.e  iluv, ILove, etc    25,523,113 Pwsd
  • A full set of signs !@#$%^&* , 8 ch long , 214,358,888 passwords
  • A full set of SSN #  000-00-0000 to 099-99-9999, modifiable:  100,000,000 Pwsd.
  • A set of most used First names, sorted by occurrence (most used first) 4,347,600 Pwsd
  • A set of most used Last names, sorted by occurrence (most used first) 5,369,400 Pwsd
  • A set of the most used Fnames and Lnames, formatted lower, Proper, UPPER. 
  • A full set of phone numbers,   pre-made to easily create your own in minutes
1 Format   (XXX) 00-0000 to (XXX) 99-9999      8,960,000 Pwsd
1 Format    XXX 00-0000 to  XXX 99-9999         8,960,000 Pwsd
1 file with all phone numbers, all areas for NY (NYPH.txt)  116,480,011 Pwsd,  modifiable to all areas.

Statistically Sorted ? What do you mean? 

In short, instead of running a list for hours on end, you may run it for few minutes only.
 Take the most used passwords, add "few" lists of real password heist, then start generating stats about your ~220 million lines. Sort the all shebang to have the most used passwords first and you'll end up with the highest statistical possibility to crack a password fast!
The most used being first, you don't have to run the all list to get to a probable hit. 

Click to enlarge

Thank You

Thank You Very Much For Your Donation!

Kali App
Please Read the FAQ and the Read-Me File.  Seriously!
Kali App is Taylor-made: You'll receive it via email.
Please ensure that your email address is working and accept at least 8MB.
We're on GMT+5, if you have placed your order at 1 AM, there will be a delay!

KisMAC School

45 min + 15min wrap up: All you need to know about KisMAC ... and more ...

If you have opted for the KisMAC School:
In order to save (your) time,
-Be prepared and on time
-Have iChat ready and running
-Have your questions ready
-Have downloads (if any) already downloaded: you'll save time ;-)

KisMAC School

As of June 9, 2016  we are no longer accepting Paypal 
We will update this page and change the payment methods. 
if you have any question, drop us an email at kismac.x at gmail dot com
Thank you for you patience. 

The KisMAC School
One To One Sessions

The KisMAC School is a  One To One Session to help you sort any issues you may have.
The Session are via iChat on Screen Sharing and Voice, hence we can see what you see. It's like having an expert next to you.  Session are 1hour, generally 45min + 15min Wrap up

You can chose the topics that you want and ask the questions that you want.
Just mention "KisMAC School" and we'll get in touch promptly and set a time/date with you.
USD 24.99    Euro ~17
The most asked topics are the following

KisMAC basic and advanced features
KisMAC Troubleshooting
KisMAC Attacks, WEP & WPA Key Recovery.
KisMAC GPS mapping.
KisMAC tricks and tips 
Aircrack-ng Tutorial, WEP and WPA  cracking:  Includes very large WPA Attack dictionary
Aircrack-ng Installed Natively on your Mac

JTR (John The Ripper)
Wireshark basics (Packets Analyzing & Decryption )
